Personal goals for 2022

January 01, 2022

Goals from 2021

Move back to my home country.

I did. I have managed to do it in December, but I did move. Unfortunately, I did not have a lot of luck with finding a flat to live in.

Buy a flat or a house in my home country (2022 is ok for this goal) and investing real estate as well (2023 ok for this one).

Also done. I don’t feel that keen about finding investment flat anymore.

Get passive income ratio to living costs to 15%.

Failed, but mostly because I had 20% contribution to mortgage. Considering I covered 12% including mortgage, it’s pretty good.

Learn something new.

I did not. Nothing worth mentioning. I’ve spent too much time looking for a flat and related shenanigans.

Earn over 5000 eur from a side gig. Or 1000 eur MRR, from some website or similar service.

Failed as well, 1000 MRR is a lot 🙁 I have not been looking for side gigs

Rework my server setup, I’d like to replace rancher 1.6 with something more modern, something that eats less RAM.

I did some tests, but as I fixed original problem in old rancher server, this was no longer burning matter.

Goals for 2022

  1. Have a wedding, start a family.
  2. Fixup flat so you are happy there – 1. finish renovation. 2. Check some smart home appliances that can make your life better. 3. renovate balcony
  3. Increase expenses coverage by passive income to 30%
  4. Do more sports -> find a way for simple tracking e.g. apple watch.
  5. Follow real estate state in your location and if it makes sense, start buying flat for real estate. First step could be checking companies handling maintenance (so my only input is money and ROI calculation) and what are the costs.
  6. Work on, so it’s self-sufficient. in subscribers, 300MRR is a good goal

Written by Lucas03 , who uses this as diary. Contact at admin[a]